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The way you wear your hat.
The way you sip your tea.
The memory of all that –
No, no – they can’t take that away from me.

The way your smile just beams.
The way you sing off-key.
The way you haunt my dreams.
No, no – they can’t take that away from me.

We may never, never meet again
On that bumpy road to love
Still I’ll always,
Always keep the memory of…

The way you hold your knife.
The way we danced until three.
The way you’ve changed my life.
No, no – they can’t take that away from me.
No, they can’t take that away from me.

They Can’t Take That Away from Me és una cançó composta per George Gershwin el 1937 amb lletra del seu germà Ira Gershwin per al film Shall we dance on era interpretada per Fred Astaire i Ginger Rogers. Aquest tema va rebre un Óscar a la millor cançó el mateix any.

Una de les versions més conegudes és la interpretada per Ela Fitzgerald i Louis Armstrong, que canten en B. Aquí els acords de 7a de Bb (i en negreta els acords que apareixen al tema).

Bbmaj7   Cm7   Dm7.  Ebmaj7   F7   Gm7   A07