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Sittin’ thinkin’ sinkin’ drinking
Wondering what I’d do when I’m through tonight
Smoking moping, maybe just hoping
Some little girl will pass on by
Don’t wanna be alone but I love my girl at home
I remember what she said

She said, “my, my, my, don’t tell lies, 
Keep fidelity in your head 
My my my, don’t tell lies, 
When you’re done you should go to bed 
Don’t say hi, like a spider to a fly 
Jump right ahead and you’re dead” 

Sit up, fed up, low down go round
Down to the bar at the place I’m at
Sitting drinking, superficially thinking
About the rinsed-out blonde on my left
Then I said, “Hi” like a spider to a fly
Remembering what my little girl said

Solo d’harmònica

She was common, flirty, she looked about thirty
I would have run away but I was on my own
She told me later she’s a machine operator
She said she liked the way I held the microphone
I said my, my, like a spider to a fly
Jump right ahead in my web

Coda d’harmònica

The spider and the fly és un tema dels Rolling Stones que segueix la roda d’acords del blues:

E7 E7 E7 E7

A7 A7 E7 E7

B7 A7 E7 B7

Sempre segueix aquesta roda excepte al final que fa F7 E7. És un tema que amb la guitarra se sol tocar amb afinació oberta en Mi.

Roda d’acords amb guitarra.

Per aprendre la lletra.

Solo de guitarra amb tablatura.

Tablatura per a una harmònica en A:

(4)b (4) b (4 )b 4, (4)b (4)b (4 )b 3, 3 (4) 4, (4)b (4)b (4)b 4 (4)b (4)b (4)b 3 3 (4) 4, 4 6 (5) (4) (3) 3